Water Watcher Wristlets

Be a Water Watcher at your next gathering!

One of the best ways to improve water safety at any gathering of friends and/or family is to have a responsible adult who is solely focused on watching kids who are in or near a pool, lake or other water. It’s easy to lose track of where all the children are, or who is watching them, and many drownings happen because adults become momentarily distracted or assume someone else is keeping an eye on everyone. 

A simple solution is to use a Water Watcher Wristlet. A Water Watcher is a responsible adult who agrees to watch the kids in and around the water and wears a Water Watcher Wristlet. If a person is wearing the wristlet, follow these simple rules:

  1. they must remain present, alert, and undistracted

  2. they will not be looking at their phone or other mobile devices

  3. they will not engage in conversations with others

  4. they will not be distracted by eating or drinking

  5. they will watch all of the children in and around the water

  6. without leaving the area, they will put the wristlet on another adult’s wrist after 15 minutes 

Tag - you’re it! Every 15 minutes the wristlet is passed back and forth among all responsible adults. This intentional contact from one adult to another ensures someone is always looking out for the kids.

Introduce all the adults at your next water gathering to the idea BEFORE anyone goes near the water, agree to follow the rules, and enjoy a fun, safe day out!


Benefits of Early Swimming